Happening in the Strait

a school of pacific herring during the annual herring spawn off hornby Island, british columbia

Written by Save the Herring

16 May 2024

SOG Herring Spawn

The annual herring spawn in the Strait of Georgia never ceases to amaze both residents and tourists alike with its display of wildlife and natural beauty. This year, 53 kilometres (33 miles) of spawning activity were observed. While the spawning around Hornby Island appeared lighter than in previous years, there were spawns in areas that haven’t had spawns for over a century, like Fisgard Light in Victoria, which allowed the Songhees Marine Team to harvest herring eggs on boughs.

HCRS and Green MLA Collaborate to Elevate Herring Concerns to Provincial Government

Recently, our board members Briony, Jim, and Grant presented to the BC Green Party, at the invitation of Green MLA Adam Olsen, who plans to take concerns regarding herring to the provincial government level. There is a provincial government representative on the Integrated Herring Harvest Planning Committee (IHHPC) and Adam hopes to bring them his constituents’ concerns, including food sovereignty, ecotourism and wildlife conservation. The WSANEC Leadership Council has repeatedly asked for a moratorium to HELIT TŦE SȽOṈ,ET “let the herring live.”

Pacific Herring Spawn and Nurseries

The Coastal Forage Fish Network is compiling a public database of Pacific herring spawn locations using iNaturalist. The aim is to enhance herring spawn observations, especially capturing spawns that might be missed due to weather conditions, spawn size, or timing variations. Citizen science is a valuable tool in this effort! For those interested in contributing or seeking more project details, please reach out to Jacqueline Huard at jacqueline.huard@projectwatershed.ca.

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